Notes to Gremlin Editors

The following items are assorted things for Austin and/or other editors to take note of and evaluate. All project files and original Markdown can be found on the gremlin-blog-posts GitHub repository.

All reference style and frequently used URLs are located in included .md files. Any given post can include both the global and local links files. A local file should add additional reference links and/or override existing global links.

Global links are defined in src/_includes/ Add the {% include %} tag to the bottom of any .md file to include all global reference links.

If a post requires additional links then create a new local file in the same directory as the post .md. Add additional reference links to that file and append the {% include_relative %} tag to the end of the .md file. Ideally, the local should be included after the global version, which will ensure any local changes take precedence.

For example, consider a post that links to the page using Markdown with a relative link, like so: [Gremlin Product Page][gremlin#product].

The global might have the link pointing to the following URL:

<!-- global -->

However, that’s not quite how we want to format it, so within the local we can override it like so:

<!-- local -->

Testing URL Validity and Functionality

  1. The html-proofer gem is used to help verify link validity. It can be run manually, but the Rakefile is configured to perform a Jekyll build and then execute html-proofer.

     require 'html-proofer'
     task :test do
         # Temporarily replace baseurl for shared mount directories to hash correctly.
         sh "bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl ''"
         options = {
             assume_extension: true,
             url_ignore: [
             # Documentation link.
         HTMLProofer.check_directory("./docs", options).run

    Execute with standard rake test command.

     rake test

    Errors indicate the specific problem, while a successful output confirms all links are valid and functional.

     Running ["LinkCheck", "ScriptCheck", "ImageCheck"] on ["./docs"] on *.html...
     Checking 257 external links...
     Ran on 16 files!
     HTML-Proofer finished successfully.

By default, all external links are processes with target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" tags, opening them in a new window. To disable this behavior disable the jekyll-target-blank gem and rebuild.


The content contains occasional alerts to emphasize certain text for the reader.

This is an info box.

This is a warning box.

Formatting is handled during site build by Jekyll/Liquid and is created by suffixing a paragraph with the appropriate {: .notice} tag.

The purpose of these is similar to the Admonition extension of MkDocs. If the final published version appearing on the Gremlin site can include such styling it should improve readability of the content.

Uh oh!


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